If you've ever wished you had just one extra day to do something, now's your chance! February 29th is Leap Day, an extra day in the year you can use to catch up on a goal or have fun celebrating in a unique way. Here are some ideas of things to do on this extra day:
- Throw a Leap Day Party – The theme lends itself to some fun ideas, like frog-themed party favors and games, a screening of the movie "Leap Year," or a throw-back party to a Leap Year when you were in school. Get creative and have fun!
- Make a Leap Year Time Capsule – Put photos, recipes, ticket stubs, cards, letters to yourself, etc., in a container and bury the capsule to uncover four years from now. This would be fun for the whole family!
- Leap into Spring Cleaning – Take advantage of the extra day to tackle a spring cleaning or other home project, like finally cleaning out that closet, hanging that shelf, or painting the guest room.
- Propose – If you've been looking for the right time to propose, Leap Day would be a fun and memorable day to do it!
- Pay it Forward – Why not make a difference this Leap Day and surprise others with unexpected gifts or give back to your community? Volunteer your time, pay for someone's ice cream in line, or call a loved one you haven't spoken to in a while. What nice gesture can you make this day?
- Set Four-Year Goals – Why not start the tradition of setting goals every Leap Day for the next four years? Whether it's personal, financial, professional, short- or long-term, write them down and plan out how you will achieve them before the next Leap Day.
- Take a Leap of Faith – What have you wanted to do but were afraid to step out of your comfort zone and take the chance on it? Here's your sign to make a plan and go for it. There's no time like the present.
- Enjoy Family Quality Time – If the weather is nice, get outside and enjoy nature with your loved ones. Plan a comfy day inside, watching movies, baking, or playing games if it's too cold outside.
- Visit/Revisit What Your City Has to Offer – This counts no matter where you are. But if you're in Las Vegas, where our office is located, the city has changed so much over the last few years that if you haven't been down to the Strip or Fremont Street lately, it's time to revisit. Go see the Sphere, watch a game at the T-Mobile Arena, catch a show, walk through the new casinos, and enjoy your city.
- Review Your Estate Plan – We encourage you to take a few moments out of this extra day to review your Estate Plan and update it as necessary. But don't wait another four years to update it! Pick a day on the calendar to review your documents annually (at the very least) to ensure everything is up-to-date.
February 29th only comes along every four years – what will you do with your special extra day?
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