We offer what few attorneys in Las Vegas, Nevada, are willing to do.

Significant, Successful, or Failure
Many of us have achieved success, some of us have delved into the deeper questions of significance, but none of us want to fail. Experience something different when working with Lizette Sundvick, Esq. Steven Covey said, “Start with the end in mind.” Our team of professionals guide you through our innovative process to tailor your estate plan specifically for your family.
Are you operating under Myth or Truth?
Lizette Sundvick, Esq is the founder of Sundvick Legacy Center and one of the longest practicing female attorneys in Las Vegas, Nevada. The premise of her vision is to help her clients engage in a holistic process to coordinate their life's dreams and goals with their values, family dynamics and tangible assets. The law has its own default in how it will handle you, your family and your assets in the event of certain life challenges occurring. Since 1997, Lizette has educated her clients in Las Vegas and beyond on the truth about Estate Planning and why most plans fail. In order to avoid Court, accidental disinheritance and wasted assets after years of hard work, Lizette has educated and collaborated with her clients to establish a well thought out and fully implemented Asset Protection & Estate Plan.
Asset Protection & Estate Planning is the legal foundation towards peace of mind in taking inventory and organizing one's life to be prepared to be taken care of and to take care of others in the event of life's challenges occurring. Short and long term disability, death and lawsuits are realities that when prepared for can be handled and managed with far less stress, time, money and energy. True Estate Planning is the foundation and compass of your life plan. By having an experienced team and a process to maintain that plan, Lizette helps you stay current with changes in the law and up to date and in tune to the changing dynamics of your family, your asset mix and your goals and concerns. I believe it is imperative to:
- understand the concerns and goals my clients have for themselves and their unique family dynamics,
- gather and analyze their asset configurations,
- determine default results based upon their status quo,
- educate my clients on the many myths surrounding estate planning, explore options and strategies and
- co-design their life, business and asset protection concerns with their overall desired wealth preservation results.
Since over 90% of planning fails nationally, it is important for my Sundvick Legacy Center team to be trained and prepared to collaborate with our clients and our clients' professional advisors. Our clients can expect to receive a thoroughly prepared Funding Package to assist with the coordination and tracking of all assets to their trusts and entities with the intention of achieving optimal results and peace of mind for themselves and their families.
Learn more about our Total Legacy Care Process™.